CAPNOT is a network of selected notarial offices which was created in 2015. The network arose from the idea of several notaries who shared the same vision of the notarial profession and its future. As they wished to strengthen its values and to develop the profession in a modern and dynamic way by creating a common professional network, the idea of CAPNOT was born.
Today, the CAPNOT network consists of more than 130 notaries and 560 employees who work together on large scale projects in order to offer high-level competence in all fields of the notarial work, ranging from traditional activities through to specialized areas.
As an Economic Interest Group, CAPNOT enables its members to keep their liberty and their independence with regard to the offices’ administration while enjoying the benefits resulting from the network’s expertise in a professional environment in which competitiveness often prevails due to recent reforms.
Values such as quality, legal certainty, client satisfaction, responsiveness or competence and information sharing, are the reason why CAPNOT’s members wanted to create a network in order to provide these key factors and comprehensive service all for clients, no matter whether they are looking for answers to simple questions or for advice in complex issues such as tender procedures.
Maître Rémy GENTILHOMME, founder of CAPNOT
“The CAPNOT network is characterized by 3 main ideas :
First of all, the idea behind the initiative to create such a network is to share among several notarial offices the specialized competence which each of us acquired in our professional day-to-day practice. This expertise, which characterizes each notarial office, shall be made accessible to all partner offices. In a few words: the best practices of each office are shared in our network.
The second key factor is our combined strength which lies in all our members who are the equivalent of one notarial office endowed with the expertise of all associated notaries and all employees of our offices. The possibility of rallying several associated notaries and dozens of employees to work on one file, coordinated by one central organizer, is an unsurpassed competitive advantage.
With regard to our third key factor dedicated to innovation, I would like to stress the considerable number of resources which we invested in order to update our business real estate audit. This unrivalled tool allows to diagnose the difficulties which might result from management before bringing the real estate to the market. Due to the work of the network’s offices under the leadership of one of the best experts in the field of French real estate law, we were able to develop a tool which helps to analyze all aspects of ownership and transfer of real estate (real estate law, real servitude, construction law, urban planning, leases, etc.)”
“Our values are those of the notarial profession :
No conflict of interest will find its place in our network.”
“CAPNOT has primarily been created in order to increase our efficiency with regard to our clients’ needs, so that we are able to deal with cases that exceed the work capacity of one single office or to handle complex affairs by combining the knowledge of our best experts in the respective area.”
“In addition to raising awareness of our expertise by developing our website, we would like to become an invaluable partner and a point of contact for all clients, in particular for major customers and authorities, taking into account our adaptation capacity, the extent of our network and the number of our specialized members.”